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Conference Paper
Parshall, C. G., Kromrey, J. D., Harmes, J. C., & Sentovich, C.. (2001). Nearest neighbors, simple strata, and probabilistic parameters: An empirical comparison of methods for item exposure control in CATs. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. Seattle WA.
Featherman, C. M., Subhiyah, R. G., & Hadadi, A.. (1996). New algorithms for item selection and exposure and proficiency estimation under 1- and 2-PL models. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New York.
Davey, T., & Parshall, C. G.. (1995). New algorithms for item selection and exposure control with computerized adaptive testing. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco CA.
McLeod, L. D., & Lewis, C.. (1998). A new approach for the detection of item preknowledge in computerized adaptive testing. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Psychometric Society. Urbana, IL.
Chen, S. - Y. (2001). A new approach to simulation studies in computerized adaptive testing. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Seattle WA.
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Wang, C., Weiss, D. J., Zhang, X., Tao, J., He, Y., Chen, P., et al.. (2017). New Challenges (With Solutions) and Innovative Applications of CAT. In IACAT 2017 Conference. presented at the 08/2017, Niigata, Japan: Niigata Seiryo University. Retrieved from https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Wvgxw7in_QCq_F7kzID6zCZuVXWcFDPa
Kuo, B. - C., & Chen, C. - H.. (2017). A New Cognitive Diagnostic Computerized Adaptive Testing for Simultaneously Diagnosing Skills and Misconceptions. In IACAT 2017 Conference. presented at the 08/2017, Niigata, Japan: Niigata Seiryo University.
Thomasson, G. L. (1995). New item exposure control algorithms for computerized adaptive testing. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Psychometric Society. Minneapolis MN.
Lau, C., & Wang, T.. (2000). A new item selection procedure for mixed item type in computerized classification testing. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans.
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Wang, L. (2004). New methods for CBT item pool evaluation. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Diego CA.
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von Davier, M., Cho, Y., & Pan, T.. (2017). New Results on Bias in Estimates due to Discontinue Rules in Intelligence Testing. In IACAT 2017 Conference. presented at the 08/2017, Niigata, Japan: Niigata Seiryo University.
Yi, Q,, & Nering, M.. (1998). Nonmodel-fitting responses and robust ability estimation in a realistic CAT environment. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. San Diego CA.
Guo, F., & Wang, G.. (2003). Online calibration and scale stability of a CAT program. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago IL.
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Guo, F., Stone, E., & Cruz, D.. (2001). On-line Calibration Using PARSCALE Item Specific Prior Method: Changing Test Population and Sample Size. In Paper presented at National Council on Measurement in Education Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington.
Bejar, I. I. (1999). On-the-fly adaptive tests: An application of generative modeling to quantitative reasoning. In Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. Montreal, Canada.
Patience, W. M., & Reckase, M. D.. (1979). Operational characteristics of a Rasch model tailored testing procedure when program parameters and item pool attributes are varied. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. San Francisco.
Koch, W. R., & G., D. B.. (1986). Operational characteristics of adaptive testing procedures using partial credit scoring. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco CA.
Verschoor, A. (2011). Optimal Calibration Designs for Computerized Adaptive Testing. In Annual Conference of the International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing. presented at the 10/2011.
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Eggen, T., & Verschoor, A.. (2003). Optimal testing with easy items in computerized adaptive testing. In Paper presented at the conference of the International Association for Educational Assessment. Manchester UK.
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Wen, J. - B., Chang, H. - H., & Hau, K. - T.. (2002). Optimum number of strata in the a-stratified adaptive testing design. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans LA.
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Wise, S. L. (1997). Overview of practical issues in a CAT program. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. Chicago IL.
Pashley, P. (1997). An overview of the LSAC CAT research agenda. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. Chicago IL.
Luecht, R. M., & Nungester, R. J.. (1997). Overview of the USMLE Step 2 computerized field test. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. Chicago IL.
Zara, A. (2011). A Paradigm for Multinational Adaptive Testing. In Annual Conference of the International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing. presented at the 10/2011.
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Lunz, M. E., & Stahl, J. A.. (1998). Patterns of item exposure using a randomized CAT algorithm. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. San Diego, CA.
Chang, H. - H., Chang, S., & Ansley,. (2000). Performance of item exposure control methods in computerized adaptive testing: Further explorations. In Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans , LA.
Pastor, D. A., Chiang, C., Dodd, B. G., & and Yockey, R.. (1999). Performance of the Sympson-Hetter exposure control algorithm with a polytomous item bank. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association. Montreal, Canada.
David, L. A., & Lewis, C.. (1996). Person-fit indices and their role in the CAT environment. In Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. New York NY.
McLeod, L. D., & Lewis, C.. (1996). Person-fit indices and their role in the CAT environment. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. New York.
Eignor, D. R., Folk, V.G.,, Li, M. - Y., & Stocking, M. L.. (1994). Pinpointing PRAXIS I CAT characteristics through simulation procedures. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. New Orleans, LA.
Killcross, M. C., & Cassie, A.. (1973). The potential use of tailored testing for allocation to army employments. In NATO Conference on Utilisation of Human Resources. presented at the 06/1973, Lisbon, Portugal.
Raîche, G.. (2001). Pour une évaluation sur mesure des étudiants : défis et enjeux du testing adaptatif. In Commnication présentée à l’intérieur de la 23e session d’études de l’Association pour le dévelopement de la mesure et de l’évaluation en éducation. ADMÉÉ.
Raîche, G, B. J. G., & Boiteau, N.. (2001). Pour une évaluation sur mesure pour chaque étudiant : défis et enjeux du testing adaptatif par ordinateur en éducation [Tailored testing for each student : Principles and stakes of computerized adaptive testing in education]. In Presented at the 23th Study Session of the ADMÉÉ. Québec: Association pour le développement de la mesure et de l’évaluation en éducation (ADMÉÉ).
Raiche, G., & Blais, J. G.. (2002). Practical considerations about expected a posteriori estimation in adaptive testing: Adaptive a prior, adaptive corrections for bias, adaptive integration interval. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Objective Measurement Workshops-XI. New Orleans, LA.
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Miller, T. R. (1992). Practical considerations for conducting studies of differential item functioning (DIF) in a CAT environment. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco CA.
Kingsbury, G. G., & Houser, R. L.. (1993). A practical examination of the use of free-response questions in computerized adaptive testing. In Paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association: Atlanta GA.
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Meng, H., Steinkamp, S., Jones, P., & Matthews-Lopez, J.. (2011). Practitioner’s Approach to Identify Item Drift in CAT. In Annual Conference of the International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing. presented at the 10/2011.
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Wang, T., & Vispoel, W. P.. (1995). Precision of ability estimation methods in computerized adaptive testing. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Psychometric Society. Minneapolis.
Wang, S., & Wang, T.. (1999). Precision of Warm's weighted likelihood estimation of ability for a polytomous model in CAT. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Montreal.
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Chen, S. - Y., & Doong, H.. (2003). Predicting item exposure parameters in computerized adaptive testing. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago IL.
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Kirisci, L., & Hsu, T. - C.. (1988). A predictive analysis approach to adaptive testing. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans LA.
Sympson, J. B., Weiss, D. J., & Ree, M. J.. (1984). Predictive validity of computerized adaptive testing in a military training environment. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans LA.
Davey, T., Pommerich, M., & Thompson, D. T.. (1999). Pretesting alongside an operational CAT. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. Montreal, Canada.
Raîche, G.. (2001). Principes et enjeux du testing adaptatif : de la loi des petits nombres à la loi des grands nombres. In Communication présentée à l’intérieur du 69e congrès de l’Association canadienne française pour l’avancement de la science. Acfas.
Miller, T., & Davey, T.. (1999). Principles for administering adaptive tests. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. Montreal Canada.
Kingsbury, G. G., & Zara, A.. (1999). A procedure to compare conventional and adaptive testing procedures for making single-point decisions. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. Montreal, Canada.
Reckase, M. D. (1976). Procedures for computerized testing. In Paper presented at the sixth annual meeting of the National Conference on the Use of On-Line Computers in Psychology. St. Louis MO.
Cizek, G. J. (2004). Protecting the integrity of computer-adaptive licensure tests: Results of a legal challenge. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Diego CA.
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Way, W. D. (1997). Protecting the integrity of the CAT item pool. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. Chicago IL.
Hadidi, A., & Luecht, R. M.. (1997). Psychometric mode effects and fit issues with respect to item difficulty estimates. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. Chicago IL.
Bayroff, A. G. (1969). Psychometric problems with branching tests. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association.
de Gruijter, D. N. M. (1988). The Rasch model and missing data, with an emphasis on tailoring test items. In annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. presented at the April 5-9, New Orleans, LA. USA.
Wise, S. L. (1999). The rationale and principles of stratum scoring. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. Montreal, Canada.
Killcross, M. C. (1977). Real-data simulation of a proposal for tailored teting. In Third International Conference on Educational Testing. presented at the 06/1977, Leyden, The Netherlands.
Slutske, W. S., Ben-Porath, Y. S., & Butcher, J. N.. (1988). A real-data simulation of adaptive MMPI administration. In Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Symposium on recent developments in the use of the MMPI. St. Petersburg FL.
Davey, T., Nering, M., & Thompson, T.. (1997). Realistic simulation procedures for item response data. In In T. Miller (Chair), High-dimensional simulation of item response data for CAT research. Psychometric Society. Gatlinburg TN.
Papanastasiou, E. C. (2002). A “rearrangement procedure” for administering adaptive tests with review options. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. New Orleans LA.
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Harmes, J. C., Parshall, C. G., & Kromrey, J. D.. (2003). Recalibration of IRT item parameters in CAT: Sparse data matrices and missing data treatments. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. Chicago IL.
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Ying, Z., & Chang, H. - H.. (1995). Recursive maximum likelihood estimation, sequential designs, and computerized adaptive testing. In Paper presented at the Eleventh Workshop on Item Response Theory. University of Twente, the Netherlands.
Chang, S. - W., & Harris, D. J.. (2002). Redeveloping the exposure control parameters of CAT items when a pool is modified. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans LA.
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