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Computer Adaptive-Attribute Testing A New Approach to Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment. Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology, 216(1), 29-39. doi:10.1027/0044-3409.216.1.29
. (2008). Computer Adaptive-Attribute Testing.pdf (444.58 KB)Computerized adaptive testing for polytomous motivation items: Administration mode effects and a comparison with short forms. Applied Psychological Measurement, 31, 412-429.
. (2007). A practitioner's guide to variable-length computerized classification testing. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation. presented at the 7/1/2009.
. (2007). Applying Bayesian item selection approaches to adaptive tests using polytomous items. Applied Measurement in Education, 19, 1-20.
. (2006). SIMCAT 1.0: A SAS computer program for simulating computer adaptive testing. Applied Psychological Measurement, 30, 60-61.
. (2006). A Bayesian student model without hidden nodes and its comparison with item response theory. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 15, 291-323.
. (2005). Dynamic assessment of health outcomes: Time to let the CAT out of the bag?. Health Services Research, 40, 1694-1711.
. (2005). Recent trends in comparability studies (No. 05-05). PEM Research Report 05-05. presented at the August, 2005, Pearson.
. (2005).