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item preknowledge
Belov, D. I. (2014). Detecting Item Preknowledge in Computerized Adaptive Testing Using Information Theory and Combinatorial Optimization. Journal of Computerized Adaptive Testing, 2(3), 37-58. doi:10.7333/1410-0203037
Item Pool Design
Reckase, M. D., He, W., Xu, J. - R., & Zhou, X.. (2017). Item Pool Design and Evaluation. In IACAT 2017 Conference. presented at the 08/2017, Niigata, Japan: Niigata Seiryo University. Retrieved from https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZAsqm1yNZlliqxEHcyyqQ_vOSu20xxZs
Item parameters
Maslak, A., & Pozdniakov, S.. (2017). Analysis of CAT Precision Depending on Parameters of the Item Pool. In IACAT 2017 Conference. presented at the 08/2017, Niigata, Japan: Niigata Seiryo University. Retrieved from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Bwe58kOQRgCSbB8x6OdZTDK4OIm3LQI3/view?usp=drive_web
item parameter drift
Meng, H., Steinkamp, S., Jones, P., & Matthews-Lopez, J.. (2011). Practitioner’s Approach to Identify Item Drift in CAT. In Annual Conference of the International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing. presented at the 10/2011.
PDF icon IACAT 2011Meng Item Drift.pdf (337.44 KB)
item ineligibility constraints
van der Linden, W. J., & Veldkamp, B. P.. (2004). Constraining item exposure in computerized adaptive testing with shadow tests. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 29, 273-291.
Item generation
Gierl, M., & Bulut, O.. (2017). Generating Rationales to Support Formative Feedback in Adaptive Testing. In IACAT 2017 Conference. presented at the 08/2017, Niigata, Japan: Niigata Seiryo University. Retrieved from https://drive.google.com/open?id=1O5KDFtQlDLvhNoDr7X4JO4arpJkIHKUP
item fit
DeMars, C. E. (2022). The (non)Impact of Misfitting Items in Computerized Adaptive Testing. Journal of Computerized Adaptive Testing, 9(2). doi:10.7333/2211-0902008
item filtration
Kingsbury, G. G. (2011). Continuous Testing (an avenue for CAT research). In Annual Conference of the International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing. presented at the 10/2011.
PDF icon IACAT 2011 Kingsbury Continuous Testing.pdf (74.37 KB)
item filter
Kingsbury, G. G. (2011). Continuous Testing (an avenue for CAT research). In Annual Conference of the International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing. presented at the 10/2011.
PDF icon IACAT 2011 Kingsbury Continuous Testing.pdf (74.37 KB)
item exposure control
Barrada, J. R., Olea, J., & Ponsoda, V.. (2007). Methods for restricting maximum exposure rate in computerized adaptative testing. Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 3, 14-23.
PDF icon ba07014.pdf (398.44 KB)
van der Linden, W. J., & Veldkamp, B. P.. (2004). Constraining item exposure in computerized adaptive testing with shadow tests. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 29, 273-291.
item drift
Meng, H., Steinkamp, S., Jones, P., & Matthews-Lopez, J.. (2011). Practitioner’s Approach to Identify Item Drift in CAT. In Annual Conference of the International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing. presented at the 10/2011.
PDF icon IACAT 2011Meng Item Drift.pdf (337.44 KB)
Hagge, S., Woo, A., & Dickison, P.. (2011). Impact of Item Drift on Candidate Ability Estimation. In Annual Conference of the International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing. presented at the 10/2011.
PDF icon IACAT 2011 Hagge Item Drift.pdf (339.31 KB)
Item Content (Test) computerized adaptive testing
item calibration
Verschoor, A. (2011). Optimal Calibration Designs for Computerized Adaptive Testing. In Annual Conference of the International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing. presented at the 10/2011.
PDF icon IACAT 2011 Verschoor Optimal Calibration Designs.pdf (164.38 KB)
Schwall, A., & Sinar, E.. (2011). Adaptive Item Calibration and Norming: Unique Considerations of a Global Deployment. In Annual Conference of the International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing. presented at the 10/2011.
PDF icon IACAT 2011 Schwall Sinar Item Calibration.pdf (1.15 MB)
item bank security
Barrada, J. R., Olea, J., & Ponsoda, V.. (2007). Methods for restricting maximum exposure rate in computerized adaptative testing. Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 3, 14-23.
PDF icon ba07014.pdf (398.44 KB)
Wise, S. L. (2011). From Reliability to Validity: Expanding Adaptive Testing Practice to Find the Most Valid Score for Each Test Taker. In Annual Conference of the International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing. presented at the 10/2011.
PDF icon IACAT 2011 Wise From Reliability to Validity.pdf (619.18 KB)
Meng, H., Steinkamp, S., Jones, P., & Matthews-Lopez, J.. (2011). Practitioner’s Approach to Identify Item Drift in CAT. In Annual Conference of the International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing. presented at the 10/2011.
PDF icon IACAT 2011Meng Item Drift.pdf (337.44 KB)
Verschoor, A. (2017). Grow a Tiger out of Your CAT . In IACAT 2017 Conference. presented at the 08/2017, Niigata, Japan: Niigata Seiryo University.
Interaction computerized adaptive testing
Intelligence Testing
von Davier, M., Cho, Y., & Pan, T.. (2017). New Results on Bias in Estimates due to Discontinue Rules in Intelligence Testing. In IACAT 2017 Conference. presented at the 08/2017, Niigata, Japan: Niigata Seiryo University.
integrated approach
Thompson, N. (2017). Developing a CAT: An Integrated Perspective. In IACAT 2017 Conference. presented at the 08/2017, Niigata, Japan: Niigata Seiryo University. Retrieved from https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Jv8bpH2zkw5TqSMi03e5JJJ98QtXf-Cv
Kingsbury, G., & Zara, T.. (2017). From Blueprints to Systems: An Integrated Approach to Adaptive Testing. In IACAT 2017 Conference. presented at the 08/2017, Niigata, Japan: Niigata Seiryo University. Retrieved from https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CBaAfH4ES7XivmvrMjPeKyFCsFZOpQMJ
Integer programming
Edmonds, J., & Armstrong, R. D.. (2009). A mixed integer programming model for multiple stage adaptive testing. European Journal of Operational Research, 193, 342-350.
Ray, R. D. (2004). Adaptive computerized educational systems: A case study. In R. W. Malott, Evidence-based educational methods (pp. 143-169). San Diego, CA. USA: Elsevier Academic Press.
innovative applications
Wang, C., Weiss, D. J., Zhang, X., Tao, J., He, Y., Chen, P., et al.. (2017). New Challenges (With Solutions) and Innovative Applications of CAT. In IACAT 2017 Conference. presented at the 08/2017, Niigata, Japan: Niigata Seiryo University. Retrieved from https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Wvgxw7in_QCq_F7kzID6zCZuVXWcFDPa
