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Simulated computerized adaptive tests for measuring functional status were efficient with good discriminant validity in patients with hip, knee, or foot/ankle impairments. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 58, 629-38.
. (2005). ha05629.pdf (227.89 KB)A computerized adaptive testing system for speech discrimination measurement: The Speech Sound Pattern Discrimination Test. Journal of the Accoustical Society of America, 101, 2289-298.
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MHK-MST Design and the Related Simulation Study. In IACAT 2017 Conference. presented at the 08/2017, Niigata, Japan: Niigata Seiryo University.
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Development of an item bank for the assessment of depression in persons with mental illnesses and physical diseases using Rasch analysis. Rehabilitation Psychology, 54, 186-97. presented at the May.
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. (2007). Development of an item bank for the assessment of depression in persons with mental illnesses and physical diseases using Rasch analysis. Rehabilitation Psychology, 54, 186-97. presented at the May.
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