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Computerized adaptive rating scales for measuring managerial performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 237-246.
. (2003). Diagnostische programme in der Demenzfrüherkennung: Der Adaptive Figurenfolgen-Lerntest (ADAFI) [Diagnostic programs in the early detection of dementia: The Adaptive Figure Series Learning Test (ADAFI)]. Zeitschrift für Gerontopsychologie & -Psychiatrie, 13, 16-29.
. (2000). Computerized adaptive rating scales for measuring managerial performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 237-246.
. (2003). Computerized adaptive rating scales for measuring managerial performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 237-246.
. (2003). Diagnostische programme in der Demenzfrüherkennung: Der Adaptive Figurenfolgen-Lerntest (ADAFI) [Diagnostic programs in the early detection of dementia: The Adaptive Figure Series Learning Test (ADAFI)]. Zeitschrift für Gerontopsychologie & -Psychiatrie, 13, 16-29.
. (2000). Computerized adaptive rating scales for measuring managerial performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 237-246.
. (2003). Diagnostische programme in der Demenzfrüherkennung: Der Adaptive Figurenfolgen-Lerntest (ADAFI) [Diagnostic programs in the early detection of dementia: The Adaptive Figure Series Learning Test (ADAFI)]. Zeitschrift für Gerontopsychologie & -Psychiatrie, 13, 16-29.
. (2000). Computerized adaptive rating scales for measuring managerial performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 237-246.
. (2003). Computerized adaptive rating scales for measuring managerial performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 237-246.
. (2003). Computerized adaptive rating scales for measuring managerial performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 237-246.
. (2003). Diagnostische programme in der Demenzfrüherkennung: Der Adaptive Figurenfolgen-Lerntest (ADAFI) [Diagnostic programs in the early detection of dementia: The Adaptive Figure Series Learning Test (ADAFI)]. Zeitschrift für Gerontopsychologie & -Psychiatrie, 13, 16-29.
. (2000). Computerized adaptive rating scales for measuring managerial performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 237-246.
. (2003). Computerized adaptive rating scales for measuring managerial performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 237-246.
. (2003). Computerized adaptive rating scales for measuring managerial performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 237-246.
. (2003). Computerized adaptive rating scales for measuring managerial performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 237-246.
. (2003). Computerized adaptive rating scales for measuring managerial performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 237-246.
. (2003). Computerized adaptive rating scales for measuring managerial performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 237-246.
. (2003).