Operational CAT Assessments

A number of testing programs have implemented CAT in the last several years. Following is an updated list of current CAT testing programs. We will be adding more programs regularly as they become available. If you are involved in a testing program that has implemented CAT, please send details about it to us so that it can be added here.

Adaptive English Proficiency Test for Web (ADEPT). CALEAP-Web employs a computer-based adaptive test, Adaptive English Proficiency Test for Web (ADEPT), with questions selected on the basis of IRT. Calibration of the items is carried out with the algorithm CBAT-2 (Huang, 1996), a self-adaptive testing which calibrates the parameters of the items during the test. This is integrated into the Computer-Aided Task Environment for Scientific English (CATESE) to train the students about conventions of the scientific texts. More information: http://www.dm.ufscar.br/profs/jpiton/index_en.html.  For further information contact Jean Piton: jpiton@ufscar.br

Adjustable Competence Evaluation (ACE) developed by Master International. This integrated system of nine CATs measures competence in logical, analytical reasoning. The ACE system is used in employeeselection and development and is available in Danish, English, Finnish, German, Norwegian, and Swedish. For further information see http://www.master-hr.com/main

Alberta Computer Adaptive Assessment System (CAA) aims to determine the efficacy of providing Alberta teachers with an on-demand, curriculum-specific, online assessment tool to aid in the teaching and learning processes using adaptive tests. It is designed to assess student knowledge in Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies.

American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Board of Certification (BOC) Examinations – These examinations measure specific skills for Medical Laboratory Scientists, Medical Laboratory Technicians, and approximately 20 other medical laboratory specializations. For further information, see https://www.ascp.org/content/board-of-certification?srsltid=AfmBOoqqvoNYkRr3ncSXn5BvTEEbFy-zDfa9-xF4BLaz-VEwOnJY3EDA#.

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) put into operation a computer-based testing program for the Uniform CPA Examination, which is used in licensing CPAs in the U.S. The CPA Exam uses a multi-stage model, which includes adaptive, content-balanced testlets. In this model, branching decisions are made after completion of each 20- to 25-item testlet. Three testlets are administered, followed by two non-adaptive accounting simulations. The model, though not providing optimal measurement, allows candidates to review their answers within testlets and simulations. Also, the model allows for substantial quality controls and ensures content balance before the exam is released into the field. For further information visit https://www.aicpa-cima.com/home

Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Test Battery (ASVAB) developed and used by the U. S. Department of Defense to screen and place potential recruits for the military services. The ASVAB is a multiple-ability test battery that measures the following vocationally relevant abilities: General Science, Word Knowledge, Arithmetic Reasoning, Paragraph Comprehension, Numerical Operations, Coding Speed, Auto and Shop Information, Mathematics Knowledge, Electronics Information, and Mechanical Comprehension.  For further information see http://www.military.com/join-armed-forces/asvab

AusVELS incorporates the Australian Curriculum F-10 for English, Mathematics, History and Science within the curriculum framework first developed for the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS). AusVELS uses an eleven level structure to reflect the design of the new Australian Curriculum whilst retaining Victorian priorities and approaches to teaching and learning. For further information see http://ausvels.vcaa.vic.edu.au/

CAT of Written English for Spanish Speakers. The CAT research group at the Autonoma University of Madrid (Spain) has developed a CAT on written English for Spanish speakers, to be administered on demand by Internet. For further information (in Spanish):

Cito, Institute for Educational Measurement in The Netherlands, has developed a number of CATs for use in educational settings. Currently operational CATs include tests for mathematics and basic skills and knowledge in geography. Four CATs are designed for primary education, including a test of basic arithmetical skills and a test of language (vocabulary and listening) constructed for ages 4-6. Some tests are part of screening instruments to detect dyslexia and early literacy. There are also two tests for basic skills in arithmetic/mathematics, one for screening in the first year of teacher training in the Netherlands and one for screening nurse practitioners. For further information see https://cito.com/about-us/educational-measurement/ 

COMPASS series of tests from ACT. COMPASS provides placement and diagnostic testing in mathematics, reading, and writing. The new COMPASS/ESL provides placement testing for English as a Second Language (ESL) students in Grammar/Usage, Reading, and Listening.

Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS) is a nonprofit organization that focuses on assessment and curriculum development of basic skills for youth and adults. CASAS has eTests software which delivers tests in both computerized adaptive and computer based test formats. For further information see https://www.casas.org/product-overviews/software/casas-etests

Computer Adaptive Baseline Test (CABT) by Center for Evaluation & monitoring encompasses adaptive testing technology.  It is available in two formats: Online or LAN (Local Area Network) for those with unreliable Internet connections. The test is designed to fit into a lesson period of one hour and includes three sections: Vocabulary — assessing fluency, Mathematics — covering a wide range of numerical concepts and manipulations, Visio-Spatial — assessing perceptual speed and accuracy. For further information see http://www.cem.org/cem-ibe/assessment

Dynamic Health Assessments (DYNHA) are the result of QualityMetric’s application ofcomputerized adaptive testing (CAT) technology to the development and improvement of health surveys. These are health surveys that are short, precise, and scientifically valid. They are Internet-based and can be completed quickly, yet yield a wealth of data about an individual’s functional health and well-being.

FAST is a system developed by Ted Christ at the University of Minnesota.

Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) of the Graduate Management Admission Council, administered by Educational Testing Service. For further information see https://support.mba.com/hc/en-us/articles/7261613974043-GMAT-What-Is-a-Computer-Adaptive-Exam

Graduate Record Examination (GRE) developed and implemented by Educational Testing Service. Both the Verbal and Quantitative sections of the GRE General Test use CAT. For further information see http://www.ets.org/gre

IBM Selection Tests have been using adaptive testing for some jobs since 2009.  There are three different tests, one for graduates, one for lower band jobs, and one for experienced professionals.  These tests are built adaptively from three different item pools, each with different item types.  Item types include number series, math word problems, and non-verbal items along the lines of the Ravens tests.  The tests utilize the one-parameter model.  They are operational in about 50 countries, and they have successfully completed over 80,000 tests.

J-CAT (Japanese Computerized Adaptive Test) is a Web-based test to diagnose the proficiency level of Japanese as a second/foreign language. J-CAT consists of four sections — Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar, and Reading. For further information see https://www.j-cat2.org/

Linguaskill is a modular online test which assess the reading, listening, writing and speaking of the examinee. The reading a listening portions of the exam are adaptive. There are two versions of this exam. The Linguaskill general and the business test. The general test assess the English skills used in daily life making it ideal for those who need to test a broad spectrum of English proficiency. The business exam is specifically tailored to assess English skills and terminology that is needed to be successful in a corporate setting. For further information see https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/exams-and-tests/linguaskill/information-about-the-test/test-formats-and-task-types/

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) developed by the Northwest Evaluation Association. This integrated system of CATs measures student performance in math, reading, language development, and science for grades K through 12. The NWEA MAP system is currently used by approximately 900 school districts across the United States. For further information see https://www.nwea.org/map-growth/

Microsoft Certified Professional exams. Microsoft Corporation uses adaptive testing procedures in a number of the examinations it has developed to certify information technology professionals on their knowledge of Microsoft products and applications.

MKAS2: MKAS2 is a CAT for the Mississippi Department of Education (Grade 3).

Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) developed by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP). This examination has 120 items given over a two and half hour period. It is used to assess the ability of recent college of pharmacy graduates to apply laws and regulations to specific states/jurisdictions. For further information see https://nabp.pharmacy/programs/examinations/mpje/

National Council Licensure Examinations (NCLEX) are developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). There are two tests: one for Registered Nurses (RN) and one for Practical and Vocational Nurses (PN). For further information see : https://www.ncsbn.org/nclex.htm.

National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians uses CAT for Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), and Paramedic (NRP) examinations. For more details see https://www.nremt.org/Document/cognitive-exams

Performance Series is a set of web-based, adaptive tests designed to assess student knowledge in Reading, Language Arts, Math (Eng & Span), Algebra, Geometry, and Life Science.  We started with only Reading and Math in 2001 and have expanded greatly over the last decade. http://www.scantron.com/performanceseries/

Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) is a research-based, computerized adaptive reading assessment program for students in Grades K–12 that measures reading comprehension on the Lexile Framework® for Reading. It assesses students’ reading levels, tracks students’ reading growth over time, and helps guide instruction according to students’ needs. For further information see http://teacher.scholastic.com/products/sri_reading_assessment/index.htm

SHL – Offers over 300 CATs for use in employee selection and development, measuring IT, software, and basic skills as well as cognitive ability and personality.  For more information, visit www.shl.com.

STAR Math, Reading, and Early Literacy tests from Renaissance Learning Corporation use 1-parameter logistic (Rasch) adaptive testing procedures for efficient testing in an elementary through high school environment. For further information see http://www.renlearn.com/se/default.aspx

Smarter Balanced is a state-led consortium developing next-generation assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards in English language arts/literacy and mathematics, using computerized adaptive technology. It aims to give parents, teachers, and policymakers better tools and information to track student progress toward college and career readiness. For further information see https://dev-pantheon.smarterbalanced.org/our-system/smarter-system/testing-technology/

Oxford Online Placement Test is an online computer adaptive test that measures a test taker’s ability to understand a range of grammatical forms and the meaning they convey in a wide range of contexts. For further information see https://elt.oup.com/feature/global/oxford-online-placement/?srsltid=AfmBOopHZyPlaMd4t3N5bf1K997BCWpAT_kbQhADj7SVhqqQkoQPYaem&cc=us&selLanguage=en

LinguaLeo is a Russian online English language learning program with an integrated computer adaptive test. For further information see (Russian) https://habrahabr.ru/company/lingualeo/blog/197614/

Computerized Adaptive Test for Ability (CATA) is developed by Beisen Cloud Computing Co., Ltd, China, and it is a web-based CAT assessing verbal, quantitative, logical and spatial abilities for hiring employees. CATA also uses online calibration and sophisticated item selection strategies to decrease response time, to improve assessment accuracy and to reduce cheating threats.

If you would like your program to be added to this page, please send details to info@iacat.org so that it can be listed here.

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