
The International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing (IACAT) was formed at the beginning of 2010. Membership voted and a governing Board was elected.

IACAT grew out of the The GMAC® Computerized Adaptive Testing Conferences held in 2007 and 2009 in Minneapolis, MN., and started to fill two needs. First, this group is focused on scientific and educational advocacy for computerized adaptive testing. In contrast, existing groups, such as ATP, and APA have a diverse focus. The second need is for an international organization, to encourage CAT around the world.

IACAT Mission

The International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing (IACAT) is an organization that is incorporated exclusively for scientific, educational, literary, and charitable purposes.

IACAT is committed to encouraging scholarly efforts to:
– Advance the science of adaptive testing in all fields of applied psychological and educational measurement;
– Improve adaptive instruments and procedures for their administration, scoring, interpretation, and use;
– Improve applications of adaptive assessment of individuals and evaluations of assessment programs.
– Develop theory, techniques, technologies and instrumentation available for adaptive measurement in all relevant human, institutional, and social characteristics;
– Develop procedures appropriate to the interpretation and use of such technologies and instruments;
– Advance applications of adaptive measurement in individual and group evaluation studies.

To achieve these aims, IACAT will:
– organize international meetings and discussions;
– promote the publication of relevant information by means of its own and other publication outlets;
– stimulate international cooperation on research projects relevant to a scientifically and ethically sound use of adaptive testing;
– be available to act as an intermediary in international negotiations concerning the publication and marketing of adaptive tests;
– advance professional development and work to raise standards governing test development and use.


IACAT has a governance board, with elections held on a rotating basis.

President Emeritus: David J. Weiss
Journal Editor: Duanli Yan
Past President: Tony Zara (2021-2024)
President: Wim J. van der Linden (2024-2026)
Vice President:
Secretary: Duanli Yan (2017-2022)
Treasurer: Kathi Gialluca (2017-2022)
Regional representatives:
North America: Alan Mead (2017-2022)
Africa, Australia, South America: John Barnard (2019-2022)
Europe: Theo Eggen (2019-2022)
Asia: Tetsuo Kimura (2019-2022)
Executive Director: Cliff Donath
Membership Director: Nate Thompson
Director of Education: Alper Sahin (2021-2023)

President Emeritus: David J. Weiss
Past President: Mark Reckase (2019-2022)
President: Alina von Davier (2019-2022)
Vice President: Tony Zara (2019-2022)
Secretary: Duanli Yan (2017-2022)
Treasurer: Kathi Gialluca (2017-2022)
Regional representatives:
North America: Alan Mead (2017-2022)
Africa, Australia, South America: John Barnard (2019-2022)
Europe: Theo Eggen (2019-2022)
Asia: Tetsuo Kimura (2019-2022)
Executive Director: Cliff Donath
Membership Director: Nate Thompson
Director of Education: Alper Sahin

President Emeritus: David J. Weiss
Past President: John Barnard (2017-2019)
President: Mark Reckase (2017-2019)
Vice President: Alina von Davier (2017-2019)
Secretary: Duanli Yan (2017-2020)
Treasurer: Kathi Gialluca (2017-2020)
Regional representatives:
North America: Alan Mead (2017-2020)
Africa, Australia, South America: John Barnard (2017-2020)
Europe: Theo Eggen (2017-2020)
Asia: Tetsuo Kimura (2017-2020)
Executive Director: Cliff Donath
Membership Director: Nate Thompson
Director of Education: Alper Sahin

President Emeritus: David J. Weiss
Past President: Lawrence M. Rudner (2015-2017)
President: John Barnard (2015-2017)
Vice President: Mark Reckase (2015-2017)
Secretary: Duanli Yan (2014-2017)
Treasurer: Kathi Gialluca (2015-2018)
Regional representatives:
North America: Alan Mead (2014-2017)
Africa, Australia, South America: Marie de Beer (2014-2017)
Europe: Theo Eggen (2013-2017)
Asia: Tetsuo Kimura (2013-2017)
Executive Director: Cliff Donath
Membership Director: Nate Thompson
Director of Education: Alper Sahin

President Emeritus: David J. Weiss
Past President: G. Gage Kingsbury
President: Lawrence M. Rudner
Vice President: John Barnard
Secretary: Duanli Yan
Treasurer: Kathi Gialluca
Regional representatives:
North America: Alan Mead
Africa, Australia, South America: Marie de Beer
Europe: Theo Eggen
Asia: Tetsuo Kimura
Executive Director: Cliff Donath
Membership Director: Nate Thompson

Past Presidents
David J. Weiss
Theo Eggen
John Barnard
G. Gage Kingsbury
Lawrence M. Rudner
Mark Reckase
Alina von Davier

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