2010 IACAT Conference – Cito, Arnhem (Netherlands)
7-9 June 2010, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Click here to download ACAT 2010 Program & Abstracts Booklet
The International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing (IACAT) is a nascent organization dedicated to advancing computerized adaptive testing (CAT) through research and education. IACAT held its first annual conference June 7- 9, 2010. The conference took place in Arnhem, The Netherlands. The conference, hosted by the Research Center for Examination and Certification (RCEC: www.rcec.nl), took place at the Conference Centre Papendal. (www.papendal.com)
The conference is an international forum for CAT researchers and others interested in CAT to meet and share ideas and developments on CAT. At the conference, the following well-known scholars gave keynote presentations:
● Cees Glas, University of Twente, The Netherlands
● Mark Reckase, Michigan State University, USA
● Lawrence Rudner, Graduate Management Admission Council, USA
● Wim van der Linden, CTB/McGraw-Hill, USA
● Otto Walter, Institute of Psychology, Aachen University, Germany
● Matthew Finkelman, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, USA
Furthermore, about 50 papers and 20 posters were presented. There was time for informal meetings and social activities.
Pre-conference workshops
On June, 7 form 9.00-12.00, workshops are organized on introductory and more advanced topics in CAT. The following workshops will be run. The costs of attending a workshop was € 100.
● Nathan Thompson, Assessment Systems Corporation: Introduction to CAT
And two advanced topics:
● Mark Reckase, Michigan State University: Multidimensional CAT
● Bernard Veldkamp; University of Twente: Item selection, exposure control, and test specifications in CAT
Conference Program
Monday, June 7th
Keynote speakers
The impact of computerized adaptive testing on measurement theory
Mark D. Reckase
How to make adaptive testing more efficient?
Wim J. van der Linden
Concurrent Sessions
Contexts of CAT
The theoretical issues that are important to operational adaptive testing.
Brian Bontempo, Steven L. Wise, Anthony R. Zara, and G. Gage Kingsbury
Implementation of adaptive algorithms in CBT Systems
Mark Molenaar
Adaptive testing in group level survey assessments
Andreas Oranje and Xueli Xu
Enlarging an item pool by rule-based item generation
Lolle Schakel and Annette Maij-de Meij
Applications of CAT (part 1)
Implementing figural matrix items in computerised adaptive testing system
Tay Poh Hua, Raymond Fong, Low Sik Kuan and Chee Meng On
Short forms versus CAT for the assessment of patient reported outcomes measures
Richard C. Gershon, David Cella and Seung Choi
Validity of CAT in personnel selection
Sara Gutierrez, Darrin Grelle & Mike Fetzer
Adaptive rule-based intelligence testing
Jonas Bertling & Heinz Holling
Issues in ability estimation
Competence´s initial estimation in computer adaptive testing
Félix Castro, Joel Suárez and Raul Chirinos
Guess again: The effect of correct guesses on scores in an operational CAT program
Eileen Talento-Miller, Kyung T. Han, Fanmin Guo
Ability estimation and test ending strategies of CAT for achievement testing on different samples
Ilker Kalender and Giray Berberoglu
Effect of θ estimation method and starting value on the recovery of θ
Rick Guyer and David J. Weiss
Concurrent Sessions
Item selection (Part 1)
CAT item selection and person fit: Predictive efficiency and detection of atypical symptom profiles
Barth B. Riley, Michael L. Dennis, and Kendon J. Conrad
Adaptive tests of adjustable difficulty
Huub Verstralen
Effects of computerized adaptive testing and mean response probability on test-taking motivation and performance
Regine Asseburg
Utilizing time data
Using response times to improve measurement precision for examinees with aberrant response behaviors in computerized adaptive testing
Jyun-Hong Chen, Shu-Ying Chen, Chuan-Ju Lin
A simple method for controlling test time intensity in CAT
Fanmin Guo
When does item duration become a relevant variable in measurement?
Dr. Annette Maij-de Meij and MSc. Lolle Schakel
New methods
Using the Rasch model-based LLTM for composing item difficulties on demand – the test Alpha-Numerical TOPologies
Klaus D. Kubinger and Nina Heuberger
A Kalman filtering approach to computerized adaptive testing
P.W. van Rijn
Bayesian optimal design for the Rasch model and linear logistic test model
Heinz Holling
Tuesday, June 8th
Keynote speakers
Clinical and medical applications of computer adaptive testing
Otto B. Walter
Computer adaptive testing for small scale programs and instructional systems
Lawrence M. Rudner
Poster Presentations
Does the theory work in practice?
Hilary Ferral
CML estimations in multistage testing
Robert Zwitser and Gunter Maris
Assessing the critical thinking ability of undergraduate students in a Nigerian University
Dr. H. O. Owolabi, Mrs. C. O. Owolabi, Dr. Bisi Onasanya and Dr. Mrs. R. O. Oduwaiye
An adaptive scheme for the dynamic rasch calibration of pilot items
Rense Lange
Teate depression inventory: A rasch derived self-report inventory of depression
Balsamo, Michela, Sergi, Maria Rita, Saggino, Aristide and Giuseppe Giampaglia
Computer generated item analysis based on three-parameter Logistic model as applied to chemistry achievement test
Susan C. Unde and Chita P. Evardone
How does the equal step size affect the number of items admistered in computerized adaptive testing
Atilla Halil ELHAN and Derya ÖZTUNA
Teacher and student experiences with the use of an adaptive test (WISCAT-pabo)
Mia van Boxel and Jeanine Treep
Designing a computerized adaptive test to measure verbal reasoning
Gabriela Lozzia, María Ester Aguerri, Facundo Abal and Horacio Attorresi
Selection of common items in full metric calibration for the development of CAT item banks
Jieun Lee and David J. Weiss
A comparison of different parameter estimation methods
Isabel Cañadas, Sonia Tirado and Rebeca Bautista
Omitted responses: The effect on item parameters
Sonia Tirado, Rebeca Bautista and Isabel Cañadas
The sample size effect on item parameters
Rebeca Bautista, Isabel Cañadas and Sonia Tirado
Effects of medium on writing assessment of learners of chinese as a foreign language
Yu Zhu (Ph.D.) and Andy SL Fung (Ph.D.)
Estimating item response theory based item parameters when response matrix is quite sparse
Vipin Chilana
Development of a physical function CAT
Man Hung, David J.Weiss and Charles L. Saltzman
Constructing a new fluid intelligence test: An IRT approach
Romanelli R., Saggino A. and Weiss D. J.
Concurrent Paper presentations
Multidimensional CAT
A general multidimensional computerized adaptive testing platform in health outcomes measurement
Seung W. Choi, Richard C. Gershon, and Dave Cella
Benefits of multidimensional adaptive testing from a practical point of view
Ulf Kröhne and Ivailo Partchev
The bifactor model and its application to multidimensional computerized Adaptive Testing
Dong Gi Seo and David J. Weiss
Multiple-category classification with multidimensional adaptive testing in large-scale assessments
Nicki-Nils Seitz and Andreas Frey
CAT for Classification
Adaptive sequential mastery testing using the Rasch model and Bayesian sequential decision theory
Hans J. Vos and Cees A.W. Glas
Effects of different termination criteria on classification consistency in CAT
Nam Keol Kim
Using the sequential probability ratio test when items and respondents are mismatched.
Maaike van Groen & Angela Verschoor
Nominal error rates in computerized classification testing
Nathan A. Thompson
CAT in Education
Orthography testing and CAT – on the way to establish individual orthography learning
Sarah Frahm
Adapt your listening test to your level, Klaas Schreuder
Angela Verschoor, and Niels Veldhuijzen.
WISCAT-pabo: Computerized adaptive testing of arithmetic skills of first-year students at primary school teacher training colleges
Gerard J.J.M. Straetmans and Theo J.H.M. Eggen
DESIGNING & Using adaptive tests for large scale formative assessment
John Winkley
Item selection (Part 2)
Item selection criteria in CAT based on predictive distributions
Mathilde Huisman-van Dijk and Frans Kamphuis
Content control with the maximum priority index method in multidimensional adaptive testing
Andreas Frey and Ying Cheng and Nicki-Nils Seitz
The maximum priority index for generalized partial credit model in computerized adaptive testing
Zeng Lingyan
Conformation testing and assessment of change
Unproctored internet test verification: Using adaptive confirmation testing
Guido Makransky and Cees Glas
Accepting the null: Determining no change within the adaptive measurement of change
Steven W. Nydick and David J. Weiss
Measuring individual growth curves with computerized adaptive testing
Shannon M. Von Minden and David J. Weiss
Collatoral information in CAT
A Bayesian approach for introducing empirical information in CAT
Mariagiulia Matteucci
Text classification in prior selection of CAT
Qiwei He
Robust item selection in computerized adaptive testing
Bernard Veldkamp
Wednesday, June 9th
Keynote speakers
Bootstrapping an item bank
Cees. A. W. Glas and Guido Makransky
Computerized classification testing to predict an observable outcome
Matthew Finkelman, Yulei He, Giles Hooker, Wonsuk Kim, Robert Keller and Barbara Gandek
Item bank development
Pushing the limits of an adaptive test: Interaction between the test population and the item pool
Steven L. Wise, Brian Bontempo, and G. Gage Kingsbury
Optimal calibration designs for computerized adaptive testing
Angela Verschoor
Flexibly and accurately evaluating item pool adequacy and optimization for linear-to-CAT conversion using optimization
Xiang Bo Wang and Xinhui Xiong
Applications of CAT (part 2)
A comparison of item exposure, test information, and theta recovery for LOFT, CAT, and fixed form tests
Kirk A. Becker, Brian Bontempo, Phil Dickison, and James S. Masters
Opportunities on adaptive testing in India
Dr. V. Natarajan and Mr. Rajeev Mennon
A dynamic way of equating for CAT practice
Zhang Quan
Item Exposure
Conditional multiple maximum exposure rates in CATs.
Juan Ramon Barrada, Julio Olea, and Francisco J. Abad
The on-line procedure for simultaneous control of item exposure and test overlap in variable length computerized adaptive testing
Chia-Ling Hsu and Wen-Chung Wang
Controlling on-line item exposure and test overlap in CAT with the ability-based guessing model
Shiu-Lien Wu, Wen-Chung Wang, and Shu-Ying Chen
The conference is organized by a committee consisting of:
● Clifford Donath, Donath Group, USA
● Theo Eggen, Cito, University of Twente, Netherlands
● Nathan Thompson, Assessment Systems Corporation,USA
● David Weiss, University of Minnesota, USA
● Dr. Natarajan Venkatesa, MeritTrac, Inc., India
● Birgit Olthof, RCEC, University of Twente, Netherlands
Previous CAT conferences were held in 2007 and 2009, sponsored by the Graduate Management Admissions Council. IACAT was founded at the 2009 conference, and the 2010 conference marks the first official function of the organization.
About RCEC
The Research Center for Examination and Certification (RCEC: www.rcec.nl), a partnership between Cito (www.cito.com) and the University of Twente (www.universiteittwente.nl/en).