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Bejar, I. I., Lawless, R. R., Morley, M. E., Wagner, M. E., Bennett, R. E., & Revuelta, J.. (2002). A feasibility study of on-the-fly item generation in adaptive testing (GRE Board Report No 98-12). Educational Testing Service RR02-23. Princeton NJ: Educational Testing Service. Note = “{PDF file, 193 KB}.
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Raîche, G.. (2002). Le testing adaptatif [Adaptive testing]. In . D. R. Bertrand and J.G. Blais (Eds) : Les théories modernes de la mesure [Modern theories of measurement]. Sainte-Foy: Presses de l’Université du Québec.
PDF icon ra02-02.pdf (190.86 KB)
Raiche, G., & Blais, J. G.. (2002). Practical considerations about expected a posteriori estimation in adaptive testing: Adaptive a prior, adaptive corrections for bias, adaptive integration interval. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Objective Measurement Workshops-XI. New Orleans, LA.
PDF icon ra02-01.pdf (99.92 KB)
Raîche, G., & Blais, J. G.. (2002). Some features of the estimated sampling distribution of the ability estimate in computerized adaptive testing according to two stopping rules. In Communication proposée au 11e Biannual International objective measurement workshop. New-Orleans : International Objective Measurement Workshops.
PDF icon bl02-01.pdf (37.17 KB)
Blais, J. - G., & Raiche, G.. (2002). Some features of the sampling distribution of the ability estimate in computerized adaptive testing according to two stopping rules. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Objective Measurement Workshops-XI. New Orleans, LA.
Smith, R. L., Rizavi, S., Paez, R., & Rotou, O.. (2002). Updated item parameter estimates using sparse CAT data. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. New Orleans LA.
PDF icon sm02-02.pdf (985.84 KB)
Smith, R. L., Rizavi, S., Paez, R., & Rotou, O.. (2002). Updated item parameter estimates using sparse CAT data. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. New Orleans LA.
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Robin, F. (2001). Development and evaluation of test assembly procedures for computerized adaptive testing. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Rizavi, S., & Swaminathan, H.. (2001). The effect of test and examinee characteristics on the occurrence of aberrant response patterns in a computerized adaptive test. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Seattle WA.
Reckase, M. D. (2001). Item pool design for computerized adaptive tests. In Invited small group session at the 6th Conference of the European Association of Psychological Assessment. Aachen, Germany.
Revuelta, J., Bejar, I. I., & Stocking, M.. (2001). A monte carlo study of the feasibility of on-the-fly assessment. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. Seattle WA.
Raîche, G.. (2001). Pour une évaluation sur mesure des étudiants : défis et enjeux du testing adaptatif. In Commnication présentée à l’intérieur de la 23e session d’études de l’Association pour le dévelopement de la mesure et de l’évaluation en éducation. ADMÉÉ.
Raîche, G, B. J. G., & Boiteau, N.. (2001). Pour une évaluation sur mesure pour chaque étudiant : défis et enjeux du testing adaptatif par ordinateur en éducation [Tailored testing for each student : Principles and stakes of computerized adaptive testing in education]. In Presented at the 23th Study Session of the ADMÉÉ. Québec: Association pour le développement de la mesure et de l’évaluation en éducation (ADMÉÉ).
Raîche, G.. (2001). Principes et enjeux du testing adaptatif : de la loi des petits nombres à la loi des grands nombres. In Communication présentée à l’intérieur du 69e congrès de l’Association canadienne française pour l’avancement de la science. Acfas.
Robin, F. (2000). CBTS: Computer-based testing simulation and analysis [computer software]. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts, School of Education.
Robin, F., Xing, D., Scrams, D., & Potenza, M.. (2000). Classification accuracy and test security for a computerized adaptive mastery test calibrated with different IRT models. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. New Orleans LA.
Reckase, M. D. (2000). Computerized testing – the adolescent years: Juvenile delinquent or positive role model. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. New Orleans LA.
Guo, F., Way, W. D., & Reshetar, R.. (2000). Test security and the development of computerized tests. In Paper presented at the National Council on Measurement in Education invited symposium: Maintaining test security in computerized programs–Implications for practice. New Orleans.
Robin, F. (1999). Alternative item selection strategies for improving test security and pool usage in computerized adaptive testing. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education< Montreal. Canada.
Reese, L. M., Schnipke, D. L., & Luebke, S. W.. (1999). Incorporating content constraints into a multi-stage adaptive testlet design. (No. BBB16784). LSAC Computerized Testing Report. Princeton, NJ. USA: Law School Admission Council.
Schnipke, D. L., & Reese, L. M.. (1997). A comparison of testlet-based test designs for computerized adaptive testing. In Paper presented at the meeting of American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL.
Reckase, M. D., Thompson, T. D., & Nering, M.. (1997). Identifying similar item content clusters on multiple test forms. In Paper presented at the Psychometric Society meeting. Gatlinburg, TN, June.
Roos, L. L., Wise, S. L., & Plake, B. S.. (1997). The role of item feedback in self-adapted testing. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 57, 85-98.
Rocklin, T. (1997). Self-adapted testing: Improving performance by modifying tests instead of examinees. Stress & Coping: An International Journal, 10(1), 83-104.
Ross, L. P., Nandakumar, R,, & Clauser, B. E.. (1997). A simulation study of the use of the Mantel-Haenszel and logistic regression procedures for assessing DIF in a CAT environment. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. Chicago IL.
Nandakumar, R., & Roussos, L. A.. (1997). Validation of CATSIB To investigate DIF of CAT data. In annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL. USA.
