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Martin, C. J., & Hoshaw, C. R.. (1997). Policy and program management perspective. In . W.A. Sands, B.K. Waters, and J.R. McBride (Eds.), Computerized adaptive testing: From inquiry to operation. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
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Hadidi, A., & Luecht, R. M.. (1997). Psychometric mode effects and fit issues with respect to item difficulty estimates. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. Chicago IL.
Segall, D. O., Moreno, K. E., Bloxom, B. M., & Hetter, R. D.. (1997). Psychometric procedures for administering CAT-ASVAB. In . W. A. Sands, B. K. Waters, and J. R. McBride (Eds.), Computerized adaptive testing: From inquiry to operation (pp. 131-140). Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Wang, T., & Vispoel, W. P.. (1995). Precision of ability estimation methods in computerized adaptive testing. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Psychometric Society. Minneapolis.
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Kingsbury, G. G., & Houser, R. L.. (1993). A practical examination of the use of free-response questions in computerized adaptive testing. In Paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association: Atlanta GA.
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Miller, T. R. (1992). Practical considerations for conducting studies of differential item functioning (DIF) in a CAT environment. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco CA.
Kirisci, L., & Hsu, T. - C.. (1988). A predictive analysis approach to adaptive testing. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans LA.
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Weiss, D. J. (1985). Proceedings of the 1982 Computerized Adaptive Testing Conference. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Department of Psychology, Computerized Adaptive Testing Laboratory.
Trabin, T. E., & Weiss, D. J.. (1983). The person response curve: Fit of individuals to item response theory models. In . D. J. Weiss (Ed.), New horizons in testing: Latent trait test theory and computerized adaptive testing (pp. 83-108). New York: Academic Press.
Reckase, M. D. (1983). A procedure for decision making using tailored testing. In New horizons in testing: Latent trait theory and computerized adaptive testing (pp. 237-254). New York, NY. USA: Academic Press.
PDF icon Reckase '83.pdf (474.81 KB)
Green, B. F. (1983). The promise of tailored tests. In . H. Wainer and S. Messick (Eds.). Principals of modern psychological measurement (pp. 69-80). Hillsdale NJ: Erlbaum.
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Weiss, D. J. (1980). Proceedings of the 1979 Computerized Adaptive Testing Conference. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Department of Psychology, Computerized Adaptive Testing Laboratory.
Koch, W. J., & Reckase, M. D.. (1979). Problems in application of latent-trait models to tailored testing (Research Report 79-1). Columbia MO: University of Missouri, Department of Psychology", (also presented at National Council on Measurement in Education, 1979: ERIC No. ED 177 196) note = ".
Lord, F. M. (1978). Panel discussion: Future directions for computerized adaptive testing. In . D. J. Weiss (Ed.), Proceedings of the 1977 Item Response Theory and Computerized adaptive conference. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Department of Psychology, Psychometric Methods Program, Computerized Adaptive Testing Laboratory.
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Betz, N. E., & Weiss, D. J.. (1976). Psychological effects of immediate knowledge of results and adaptive ability testing (Research Report 76-4). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Department of Psychology, Psychometric Methods Program, Computerized Adaptive Testing Laboratory.
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