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Computerized adaptive personality testing: A review and illustration with the MMPI-2 Computerized Adaptive Version. Psychological Assessment, 19, 14-24. presented at the Mar.
. (2007). Computerized adaptive rating scales for measuring managerial performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 237-246.
. (2003). Computerized adaptive rating scales for measuring managerial performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 237-246.
. (2003). Computerized adaptive testing for follow-up after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation: I. Activity outcomes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87, 1033-42. presented at the Aug.
. (2006). Computerized adaptive testing for follow-up after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation: II. Participation outcomes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89, 275-283. presented at the Feb.
. (2008). Computerized adaptive testing for follow-up after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation: II. Participation outcomes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89, 275-283. presented at the Feb.
. (2008). Computerized adaptive testing for follow-up after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation: I. Activity outcomes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87, 1033-42. presented at the Aug.
. (2006). Computerized adaptive testing for polytomous motivation items: Administration mode effects and a comparison with short forms. Applied Psychological Measurement, 31, 412-429.
. (2007). Computerized adaptive testing in back pain: Validation of the CAT-5D-QOL. Spine, 33, 1384-90. presented at the May 20.
. (2008). Computerized adaptive testing in back pain: Validation of the CAT-5D-QOL. Spine, 33, 1384-90. presented at the May 20.
. (2008). Computerized adaptive testing of diabetes impact: a feasibility study of Hispanics and non-Hispanics in an active clinic population. Quality of Life Research, 15, 1503-18. presented at the Nov.
. (2006). Computerized adaptive testing of diabetes impact: a feasibility study of Hispanics and non-Hispanics in an active clinic population. Quality of Life Research, 15, 1503-18. presented at the Nov.
. (2006). A computerized adaptive testing system for speech discrimination measurement: The Speech Sound Pattern Discrimination Test. Journal of the Accoustical Society of America, 101, 2289-298.
. (1997). Computerized adaptive testing with multiple-form structures. Applied Psychological Measurement, 28, 147-164.
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. (2001). Considerations about expected a posteriori estimation in adaptive testing: adaptive a priori, adaptive correction for bias, and adaptive integration interval. Journal of Applied Measurement, 10, 138-56.
. (2009). Data pooling and analysis to build a preliminary item bank: an example using bowel function in prostate cancer. Evaluation and the Health Professions, 28, 142-59.
. (2005). Data pooling and analysis to build a preliminary item bank: an example using bowel function in prostate cancer. Evaluation and the Health Professions, 28, 142-59.
. (2005). Data sparseness and on-line pretest item calibration-scaling methods in CAT. Journal of Educational Measurement, 39, 207-218.
. (2002). Data sparseness and on-line pretest item calibration-scaling methods in CAT. Journal of Educational Measurement, 39, 207-218.
. (2002). Developing tailored instruments: item banking and computerized adaptive assessment. Quality of Life Research, 16, 95-108.
. (2007). Development and preliminary testing of a computerized adaptive assessment of chronic pain. Journal of Pain, 10, 932-943. presented at the Sep.
. (2009). Development and preliminary testing of a computerized adaptive assessment of chronic pain. Journal of Pain, 10, 932-943. presented at the Sep.
. (2009). Development and preliminary testing of a computerized adaptive assessment of chronic pain. Journal of Pain, 10, 932-943. presented at the Sep.
. (2009). Development and validation of patient-reported outcome measures for sleep disturbance and sleep-related impairments. Sleep, 33, 781-92. presented at the Jun 1.
. (2010). Development and validation of patient-reported outcome measures for sleep disturbance and sleep-related impairments. Sleep, 33, 781-92. presented at the Jun 1.
. (2010). The development of a computerized version of Vandenberg's mental rotation test and the effect of visuo-spatial working memory loading. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 60, 3938.
. (2000). Development of an index of physical functional health status in rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 83, 655-65. presented at the May.
. (2002). Development of an index of physical functional health status in rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 83, 655-65. presented at the May.
. (2002). Development of an index of physical functional health status in rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 83, 655-65. presented at the May.
. (2002). Development of an item bank for the assessment of depression in persons with mental illnesses and physical diseases using Rasch analysis. Rehabilitation Psychology, 54, 186-97. presented at the May.
. (2009). Development of an item bank for the assessment of depression in persons with mental illnesses and physical diseases using Rasch analysis. Rehabilitation Psychology, 54, 186-97. presented at the May.
. (2009). Development of an item bank for the assessment of depression in persons with mental illnesses and physical diseases using Rasch analysis. Rehabilitation Psychology, 54, 186-97. presented at the May.
. (2009). Development of an item bank for the assessment of depression in persons with mental illnesses and physical diseases using Rasch analysis. Rehabilitation Psychology, 54, 186-97. presented at the May.
. (2009). Developments in measurement of persons and items by means of item response models. Behaviormetrika, 28, 65-94.
. (2001). Effect of Imprecise Parameter Estimation on Ability Estimation in a Multistage Test in an Automatic Item Generation Context . Journal of Computerized Adaptive Testing, 4(1), 1-18. doi:10.7333/1608-040101
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An EM approach to parameter estimation for the Zinnes and Griggs paired comparison IRT model. Applied Psychological Measurement, 26, 208-227.
. (2002). Emergence of item response modeling in instrument development and data analysis. Medical Care, 38, II60-II65.
. (2000). Evaluation of an MMPI-A short form: Implications for adaptive testing. Journal of Personality Assessment, 76, 76-89.
. (2001). Evaluation of an MMPI-A short form: Implications for adaptive testing. Journal of Personality Assessment, 76, 76-89.
. (2001). An evaluation of patient-reported outcomes found computerized adaptive testing was efficient in assessing stress perception. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 62, 278-287.
. (2009). An evaluation of patient-reported outcomes found computerized adaptive testing was efficient in assessing stress perception. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 62, 278-287.
. (2009). An examination of the comparative reliability, validity, and accuracy of performance ratings made using computerized adaptive rating scales. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86, 965-973.
. (2001). An Extended Taxonomy of Variants of Computerized Adaptive Testing. Journal of Computerized Adaptive Testing, 10(1). doi:10.7333/2302-100101
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. (2006). Factor analysis techniques for assessing sufficient unidimensionality of cancer related fatigue. Quality of Life Research, 15, 1179-90. presented at the Sep.
. (2006). The feasibility of applying item response theory to measures of migraine impact: a re-analysis of three clinical studies. Quality of Life Research, 12, 887-902.
. (2003). The feasibility of applying item response theory to measures of migraine impact: a re-analysis of three clinical studies. Quality of Life Research, 12, 887-902.
. (2003). The feasibility of applying item response theory to measures of migraine impact: a re-analysis of three clinical studies. Quality of Life Research, 12, 887-902.
. (2003). The feasibility of applying item response theory to measures of migraine impact: a re-analysis of three clinical studies. Quality of Life Research, 12, 887-902.
. (2003). How Adaptive Is an Adaptive Test: Are All Adaptive Tests Adaptive?. Journal of Computerized Adaptive Testing, 7(1), 1-14. doi:10.7333/1902-0701001
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The initial development of an item bank to assess and screen for psychological distress in cancer patients. Psycho-Oncology, 16, 724-732.
. (2007). IRT health outcomes data analysis project: an overview and summary. Quality of Life Research, 16, 121-132.
. (2007). An item bank was created to improve the measurement of cancer-related fatigue. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 58, 190-7. presented at the Feb.
. (2005). An item bank was created to improve the measurement of cancer-related fatigue. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 58, 190-7. presented at the Feb.
. (2005). Item banking to improve, shorten and computerized self-reported fatigue: an illustration of steps to create a core item bank from the FACIT-Fatigue Scale. Quality of Life Research, 12, 485-501. presented at the Aug.
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