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Técnicas para detectar patrones de respuesta atípicos [Aberrant patterns detection methods]. Anales de Psicología, 22, 143-154.
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. (2006). Applications of item response theory to improve health outcomes assessment: Developing item banks, linking instruments, and computer-adaptive testing. In , Outcomes assessment in cancer (pp. 445-464). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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A Bayesian student model without hidden nodes and its comparison with item response theory. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 15, 291-323.
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Adaptive computerized educational systems: A case study. In , Evidence-based educational methods (pp. 143-169). San Diego, CA. USA: Elsevier Academic Press.
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Computers in clinical assessment: Historical developments, present status, and future challenges. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 60, 331-345.
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. (2003). A comparison of item selection techniques and exposure control mechanisms in CATs using the generalized partial credit model. Applied Psychological Measurement, 26, 147-163.
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Mathematical-programming approaches to test item pool design (No. RR 02-09) (pp. 93-108). Twente, The Netherlands: University of Twente, Faculty of Educational Science and Technology.
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Computerized adaptive testing with the generalized graded unfolding model. Applied Psychological Measurement, 25, 177-196.
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