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Development and preliminary testing of a computerized adaptive assessment of chronic pain. Journal of Pain, 10, 932-943. presented at the Sep.
. (2009). Development and preliminary testing of a computerized adaptive assessment of chronic pain. Journal of Pain, 10, 932-943. presented at the Sep.
. (2009). Development and preliminary testing of a computerized adaptive assessment of chronic pain. Journal of Pain, 10, 932-943. presented at the Sep.
. (2009). Computer adaptive testing: a strategy for monitoring stroke rehabilitation across settings. Stroke Rehabilitation, 11, 33-39. presented at the Spring.
. (2004). Computer adaptive testing: a strategy for monitoring stroke rehabilitation across settings. Stroke Rehabilitation, 11, 33-39. presented at the Spring.
. (2004). Computer adaptive testing: a strategy for monitoring stroke rehabilitation across settings. Stroke Rehabilitation, 11, 33-39. presented at the Spring.
. (2004). Evaluation of an MMPI-A short form: Implications for adaptive testing. Journal of Personality Assessment, 76, 76-89.
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The feasibility of applying item response theory to measures of migraine impact: a re-analysis of three clinical studies. Quality of Life Research, 12, 887-902.
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. (2009). The maximum priority index method for severely constrained item selection in computerized adaptive testing. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 62, 369-83. presented at the May.
. (2009). Reduction in patient burdens with graphical computerized adaptive testing on the ADL scale: tool development and simulation. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 7, 39.
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