Dear IACAT Member,
Thank you again for you continued membership in IACAT. 2017 marks an important year for us, with both our biannual conference and Board elections.
Board nominations were accepted in May and all seats received only one nomination except for our Europe representative. Therefore, only members from Europe will be voting this year. If you are listed in IACAT membership as Europe, you will soon be receiving an email with a link to vote online, using a unique code. The email will come from FastTest. Bios for the two nominations are below. Deadline to vote is June 30.
We are now nearing the 2017 Conference dates of 18-21 August. To help members find their way to Niigata, we have posted travel instructions on the website. As a reminder, proposal submission is open until June 30, as well as Early Bird Registration.
Can't attend the conference? We hope to compile all the presentations, as well as encourage presenters to publish in the Journal of Computerized Adaptive Testing, IACAT's open journal. If you can't attend but have CAT research to present, we recommend submitting to JCAT.
Best regards,
The IACAT Board
Theo Eggen
Theo Eggen is a Senior Research Scientist at the Psychometric Research Center of CITO, and a full Professor of Psychometrics at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. Theo is further the Director of the Research Center for Examinations and Certification (RCEC). Theo consults and undertakes research on educational and psychometrical issues of test development.
He specializes in item response theory (IRT), assessing the quality of tests and international assessments, and computerized adaptive testing (CAT). Specific topics include item selection methods, use of cognitive diagnostic models, and classification algorithms in CAT. Theo has extensive experience working as a Consultant in educational measurement at CITO, at the University and internationally. He is also the author of numerous research articles and chapters of textbooks. Theo is an editorial board member of the Journal of Computerized Adaptive Testing (JCAT).
Andreas Frey
Andreas Frey is Professor for Educational Research Methods at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU), Germany, chair of the department with the same name, and Professor II at the Centre for Educational Measurement (CEMO) at the University of Oslo, Norway. Before joining the FSU, he worked at the Leibniz-Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN) in Kiel, Germany as senior researcher and national scientific coordinator of PISA 2006 in Germany.
Prof. Frey is editorial board member of the Journal of Computerized Adaptive Testing (JCAT) and Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling (PTAM), and is member of several scientific and technical expert groups.From 2012 to 2014 he was member of the board of directors (treasurer) of the German Psychological Association (DGPs).
His major research interest is computerized adaptive testing. Besides that he works on methods of large-scale assessments, complex MIRT modeling, item position effects, and validity. In the past, he directed several research projects in the area of computerized adaptive testing, co-authored the Multidimensional Adaptive Testing Environment (MATE, Kroehne & Frey, 2013) and published the first freely available computerized adaptive tests measuring student competencies in the mathematics, reading, and science in the German language. Currently, he directs a research project regarding computerized testing in Universities to take written student exams.